Tuesday 20 January 2009

Are all laptops the same?

In our epoch of constant progress a vast amount of laptops are produced. To come to know the particulars of their diversity, all laptop models can be divided into classes. Except the common models of Economic and Business classes, one could also add a class of Portable Laptops remarkable for their higher compactness, and the models able to take the place of tabletop PCs.
If the common classes of laptops are similar in many respects, then substitutes of «common» computers are in the considerably higher level. Prices for such models could be various, it depends on components; but they are similar in one aspect – the size and battery life time are not important, as for common laptops. Also, depending on their functions, the laptops can be distinguished by destination: for work or for games. Their prices are also varied according to their component parts.
Usual «office» laptop is not meant for games by its characteristics, though user can easily watch a film or listen to music on it, for example. On the game laptop, there are more facilities; its main function is the most up-to-date games, which require the hardware to have the highest characteristics and parameters.