Tuesday 20 January 2009

The “Best Price Guarantee” marketing effort.

Unfortunately, any market suffers from incomplete information, and it's sometimes hard for a customer to be sure that a company is actually a supplier of products, but not a reseller. A real outlet of such a situation could be proposing to customers the so-called “Best Price Guarantee” service.
This service could present cheap laptops, which the shop guarantees the lowest price for in the laptop market among the cities of one country or within a certain city. For example, being one of the first-rate suppliers of laptops to European market, a company is able to offer its customers not only high quality services, but also the lowest prices for laptops.
The company could specify that it doesn't resell the products; it fixes the products prices itself and does not depend on anybody's price formation except the manufacturer's. The company takes care of its image, and the customers can be sure that if the company declares it offers the LOWEST PRICES for laptops – this is indeed so.
Nevertheless, if a customer finds the company's laptops for lower price anywhere else, the company will not only commit itself to propose to customer the same lower price, but also give him/her an extra discount (1-2%) on the price of their competitor.
The laptop found by customer in another shop must have the same bundling and warranty, as it has in the company's shop.
Stock level. The laptop found by customer must be in the competitor's stock at the moment. I.E., the real stock is obligatory (not in transit, not on demand, not out of stock).
The price must be tax inclusive.
The most convenient payment methods must be used.
Proposing the “Best Price Guarantee” for certain laptops models does not mean the shop prices for other models in Catalog are noncompetitive. A company should provide a vast assortment of laptops, and being a direct supplier the company can fix the low prices.
Of course, if some company doesn't take care of such aspects of services as high-qualified technical specialists, spacious main office in the center of the city, qualified shop assistance and kind treatment of clients, it could offer customers some laptops for quite a lower price. But the customer should estimate his/her time spent on searching for the office or website, possible problems with unqualified staff and absence of real backup service.
Once a week a company could do the great work for a customer: examine all possible companies and specialized sources. But unfortunately it's impossible to check all the models in the shop because of the multiple resellers. That's why the company could just choose a few of models presented, which prices are certainly the most lower ones in the city (country). And the company could ensure it doesn't want the clients to waste their personal time while searching for others' prices – it does it for them! The company's prices are the best, and if others' laptops are cheaper – they are “second-hand” without doubt!