Wednesday 30 November 2016

Is It Time to Change Your MacBook Pro?

A question that most of the Mac users have is “when is the right to change your MacBook pro?” Apple products usually have a good shell life. But there comes a time when they have outlasted their usefulness and become obsolete. You need to know the sign your laptop start showing when it should be replaced with a newer one. The following hints that your system tells you give you an idea about the right change to change your MacBook pro.

Latest OS version doesn’t run: If your device is unable to run the latest OS, it’s the right time for a new purchase. Apple offers the latest versions of its OS free of cost to its users, but it’s of no use if it doesn’t work on your laptops. This happens due to the change in specifications because the latest OS versions need higher specifications. Having a device with latest OS is definitely recommended, as it gives you much better features and an enhanced user experience.

Slower speed: The new features of app demand more of the specifications. If your device’s specifications do not meet the requirement of the apps, it will make them run slower causing a frustrating situation for you. Every update of an existing app comes with a lot of new features. Another step that could be followed is to revert back to the previous version of the apps but that isn’t a long term solution.

A failed component: Apple’s component are expensive. If a component of your device stops working, it is advisable to opt for a new device rather than spending on that particular component. It also depends on the component that has faltered.

Battery issues: A common problem for obsolete products is battery issues. Many old devices face this issue that battery does not keep its charge or drains sooner than expected. Although, Mac offers a battery replacement program but that also is very expensive. If you are facing issues with your battery, you can still keep using the laptop by keeping it plugged in while in use, but this isn’t an advisable practice as battery issues hint that other components of your device are also on the verge of failing.

I-Pad outperforming your Mac: An old device may be giving you a sluggish experience and an I-pad may outperform with its functionality and speed. The handheld devices are coming with great features and giving a tough competition to laptops. You can do certain things to improve the performance like cleaning out your device or freeing up some space in hard drive but these practices don't give you a guaranteed improvement. Mac products have overall higher resale values as compared to many other PCs, but these devices don’t last forever. You need to know the right time before heading for a replacement. A new product will definitely give you a much better and improved experience

If you need to trade-in your apple device, you can find a site site useful.

Friday 21 October 2016

Data safety tips before selling your old Mac

Mac computers have a special place in the market. People sell their mac for different purposes. Reasons of selling a Mac may include craving for a new model in the market. But before selling your mac, you have to save all the data. Obviously, you will not want a random person to have all of your information or use your accounts. It can also be harmful if it goes to a criminal minded person. So, the best thing is to manage your data properly before selling your mac.

Here are some tips which will help you save your data before you sell your mac:

The first and the most important thing to do is back up all your files present on your mac. You definitely don’t want to lose your important work or a memory.
This process can be done easily by shifting all of your important information to an external hard drive so you can have it all on your new computer. Here is a tip, store your data on two different hard drives so you don’t have to face any kind of unpleasant situation if one hard drive containing all your data stops working.
If you already have your new computer or mac, you can save yourself from a long process of shifting a data to an external drive and then to a new mac. You can shift it directly to the new computer if they are connected with the same network or you can also use any migration software present online for that purpose.

The next important thing you have to do is sign yourself out from all of your accounts. A stranger should not have access to any of your accounts. This can later cause a lot of trouble. Sign out from your iTunes accounts so the other person cannot use it. Although it is difficult to use your account without the information like your id and password but its better to be careful.
To deactivate your iTunes account, go to the Store menu in your iTunes and click DE authorize This Computer. Mac will then ask for the basic information i.e. your id and password. Enter the specified information and your account will be deactivated.
You can apply this same process for other accounts like Dropbox.

You have to make your mac look like a new one before you sell it. Make sure you have already saved all of the important information in a reliable device and you will not face any kind of problems regarding the restoring process of your data again.
Okay, so making it like a new one you just have to reinstall the Mac OS. You can do it by using a CD. Just insert it and install new OS.

Selling your Mac will be an easy process. Don’t worry, if you have your data saved and your Mac in a factory reset position, you are allowed to say sell my Mac.

Friday 14 October 2016

The Pros and Cons of buying a new MacBook pro

MacBook is one of the most sensational innovations with its unquestionable aluminum body and efficient performance. MacBook is definitely appealing for both business and personal use with more productive approach towards future. But this beauty costs a lot and its high price tag leaves you with thinking for a minute before buying this Dexter technology.

Advantage of owning a MacBook

Sleek yet stylish design
Forget about that hardcore technology that was once termed as laptop; with new MacBook currents standards provide classy and elegant style of laptop. Its thin and light weight body provides ultra-efficient mobility and ease which will definitely make you surrender to grab it under your premises.

High definition display stuns the users
Since MacBook is considered one of the best display screen throughout market. The retina does it all with great sense of differentiation and selling analytics. The 13-inch model consist of 4 million pixel which leave you with amazing viewer experience, while these high resolution of both 15 and 13 inches provide smoothest curves and fine prints with full images without pixel disperse. The screen display with high definition feature is remarkable advantage for graphic professional with finest and closer image viewership. The flawless display does not effect on the eyesight as the other laptop does.

Multitasking; makes it the perfect choice
The users are astonished with its multitasking as they provide it with name of “all in one” solution for their everyday technology issues. Whether it is track pad, built-in shortcut keys or the mouse gestures, it is definitely a long-term investment with reliable installation of windows and apps running in background without any crashes or software’s jams.

Other than it powerful pros there is ultimately some lacking in the gadget which leaves it with a few ungratified consumer.
The most important thing of concern is its high price tag which sometime diverts the consumer towards the more affordable option. All in one, MacBook pro is expensive and the base model alone for 13-inch incurs a price $1,299.00 and the 15-inch exceed to a price range of a $1,999.00
Other than the price factor the limited internal storage capacity also leaves disappointments towards the customer. The 512GB storage capacity is definitely a disaster when you are talking about the professional addition MacBook. Other mishap with this extra smart MacBook is its poor hardware upgradability which means you should avoid downloading heavy files.
MacBook is definitely a positive contribution in the world of technology. With its smart design and numerous other features as a multi-tasker its gigantic price and low storage capacity often make it a second option for the consumer.

If you can't afford a new MacBook Pro, you can buy a refurbished one here.

Friday 8 May 2009

Lenovo starts production of 12-inch net laptops on the base of Atom N280 processors

The Lenovo company is planing to start producing of 12-inch net laptops IdeaPad S20 on the base of Intel Atom N280 processors. This decision conflicts with the Intel company's requirements, which limits a size of matrix that could be used in the net laptops – not more than 10 inches.
As a result of these infringements, the Lenovo company will be deprived a possibility to buy up the N280 processors at a cut price, which is about $10 lower than official one for such big clients.
Lenovo hopes this step will help increasing sales of net laptops, avoiding a strong competition in segment of 10-inch models.
The IdeaPad S20 net laptops on the base of Atom N280 processor and GN40 chipset will work with Windows XP. Its cost will be about $586.
For comparison, a novelty from Asus – Eee PC 1004DN on the base of the same processor will cost $379, whereas Acer is already selling its net laptops on the base of Atom N280 chipset for $498.

New configurations of Toshiba Satellite and Qosmio series Laptops

Toshiba has produced new laptops in popular series: Satellite and Qosmio – model range 2009.

The major changes in Satellite series are aimed to increase productivity. In the 15.4’’ segment most of laptops are equipped with the ATI Mobility Radeon 3470 and ATI Mobility Radeon 3650 discrete graphic adapters, that make them the really universal tools. Also, Toshiba increased a minimal value of RAM (memory) to 2 Gb. At that, most of the models are equipped with RAM of 3-4 GB. A range of models (Satellite A300-213, Satellite A300-216) got higher display resolution 1440x900, that makes for more comfortable working.
Also, in the Satellite series there are first models with 16’’ display – Satellite A350 and Satellite A350D. The new display is remarkable for its sides ratio – 16:9, that allows you to watch most of the modern films with a maximum comfort. This is a new for Toshiba form-factor of laptops, which inherited a low weight (2.7 kg) and long lasting battery work from the models with 15,4’’ displays.
Laptops of the Qosmio series has become more powerful. Now the games leader Qosmio X300-14X is equipped with maximally available mobile processor Intel Core2 Extreme X9100 with time frequency of 3.06 GHz, two fast hard drives with general value of 640 GB and two graphics cards Nvidia GeForce® 9800M GTS, working in the SLI™ mode. Moreover, there is a possibility to select either a 32-bits or 64-bits version of Windows Vista Home Premium during the first launch of the Qosmio X300 laptop. The multimedia Qosmio F50 and G50 had got up to 720 GB of drive space. The displays of this models became brighter thanks to application of two highlighting lamps (usually only one lamp is used).

Tuesday 20 January 2009

The “Best Price Guarantee” marketing effort.

Unfortunately, any market suffers from incomplete information, and it's sometimes hard for a customer to be sure that a company is actually a supplier of products, but not a reseller. A real outlet of such a situation could be proposing to customers the so-called “Best Price Guarantee” service.
This service could present cheap laptops, which the shop guarantees the lowest price for in the laptop market among the cities of one country or within a certain city. For example, being one of the first-rate suppliers of laptops to European market, a company is able to offer its customers not only high quality services, but also the lowest prices for laptops.
The company could specify that it doesn't resell the products; it fixes the products prices itself and does not depend on anybody's price formation except the manufacturer's. The company takes care of its image, and the customers can be sure that if the company declares it offers the LOWEST PRICES for laptops – this is indeed so.
Nevertheless, if a customer finds the company's laptops for lower price anywhere else, the company will not only commit itself to propose to customer the same lower price, but also give him/her an extra discount (1-2%) on the price of their competitor.
The laptop found by customer in another shop must have the same bundling and warranty, as it has in the company's shop.
Stock level. The laptop found by customer must be in the competitor's stock at the moment. I.E., the real stock is obligatory (not in transit, not on demand, not out of stock).
The price must be tax inclusive.
The most convenient payment methods must be used.
Proposing the “Best Price Guarantee” for certain laptops models does not mean the shop prices for other models in Catalog are noncompetitive. A company should provide a vast assortment of laptops, and being a direct supplier the company can fix the low prices.
Of course, if some company doesn't take care of such aspects of services as high-qualified technical specialists, spacious main office in the center of the city, qualified shop assistance and kind treatment of clients, it could offer customers some laptops for quite a lower price. But the customer should estimate his/her time spent on searching for the office or website, possible problems with unqualified staff and absence of real backup service.
Once a week a company could do the great work for a customer: examine all possible companies and specialized sources. But unfortunately it's impossible to check all the models in the shop because of the multiple resellers. That's why the company could just choose a few of models presented, which prices are certainly the most lower ones in the city (country). And the company could ensure it doesn't want the clients to waste their personal time while searching for others' prices – it does it for them! The company's prices are the best, and if others' laptops are cheaper – they are “second-hand” without doubt!

Are all laptops the same?

In our epoch of constant progress a vast amount of laptops are produced. To come to know the particulars of their diversity, all laptop models can be divided into classes. Except the common models of Economic and Business classes, one could also add a class of Portable Laptops remarkable for their higher compactness, and the models able to take the place of tabletop PCs.
If the common classes of laptops are similar in many respects, then substitutes of «common» computers are in the considerably higher level. Prices for such models could be various, it depends on components; but they are similar in one aspect – the size and battery life time are not important, as for common laptops. Also, depending on their functions, the laptops can be distinguished by destination: for work or for games. Their prices are also varied according to their component parts.
Usual «office» laptop is not meant for games by its characteristics, though user can easily watch a film or listen to music on it, for example. On the game laptop, there are more facilities; its main function is the most up-to-date games, which require the hardware to have the highest characteristics and parameters.

Thursday 9 October 2008

MSI Wind: Second generation

The second generation of Winds which consists of U91 and U120 models should have more powerful hardware. According to translation from Japanes the specification is.

- Display: 10″ LCD backlight
- HDD: 160 Gb
-RAM: 2 Gb
- Touchpad and buttons: there is only one touch bar button instead of two default “mouse” buttons. Due to many feedbacks, a touchpad was changed for European customers. MSI says they have solved the issue which was in it by switching to sentilic touchpads. U120 uses a Sentilic touchpad.
- 3.5 G enabled HSDPA
General info:
- A new MSI logo on board and, a name, which was changed from notebook to netbook.
- A new Wind branded accessories (mice, pouches) are expected by customers.
- The Main SD card’s purpose is moving data. MSI considers a model where the SD card is flush with the enclosure.
- AC adapter. Either 3-pin or 2-pin plugs could be chosen depending on region and country. The power of AC adapter will be decreased a bit (by 5-10Watt).
- Battery. Six-cell batter is considered and expected it will weight 1,250 g or 2.76 lb.
- Power usage: 32~34 Watts at maximum load and 6 Watts or less at idle.
- New VIA Nano CPU is considered, but it is not confirmed on 100%. Intel Dual Core Atom could be used instead of VIA.
- OS Vista to be considered.

Thursday 4 September 2008

ACER TM 5720 - 301G16N Review

This Windows XP laptop has quite good characteristics:

Processor: Core 2 Duo T7300 2 GHz
Memory: 1024 Mb
Disk: 160Gb SATA Hard Disk Drive
Platform Technology: Intel Centrino Duo
Screen: 15.4", TFT WXGA Screen
Drive: CD
Video: Intel GMA X3100
Modem: 56 Kb Modem
USB: 2x
Features:Card Reader - 5 in 1, Weight 3 kg, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g, Bluetooth 2.0 EDR
OS: Windows XP Pro

COMPAQ EVO 400C Review

This Compaq capabilities are:
Processor: INTEL PIII 850 MHz
Memory: 256Mb
Disk: 20Gb Hard Disk Drive
Screen: 12.1", TFT XGA Screen
Drive: CD
Video: ATI Radeon IGP video
Modem: 56 Kb Modem
USB: 2x
Features: Infrared ,HP Premier Sound, Multimedia Function Keys, 10/100 network connector
OS: Windows XP Pro

I've heard about many cheap laptops or discount laptops, but only this model could be bought for just £160 - really good price.

All drivers are installed - so you just buy it and use.

XO Laptop on the eXpO in Birmingham

The eXpO was held on August 23th, 2008 in Birmingham, UK. The XO laptop capabilities and functions were presented to 100+ business and civic leaders, educators, and educational administrators. Guests came from around the city, the state, and as far away as Panama. In addition to OLPC President C.Kane, the numerous speakers included M.Wilson, principal at Glen Iris Elementary, our pilot school, P. Harris, a 5th grade teacher from Glen Iris, the Birmingham City schools director of instructional technology, a Birmingham city councilman, a professor from the computer and information sciences department of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the president of the board of education and two representatives from Mayor Larry Langford’s office. Nine Glen Iris students who created campaigns using Scratch to teach their communities about health care issues showed eXpO participants their projects and taught general use of the laptop. Another highlight of the Expo was a robot controlled via the XO laptop and the Wiimote from Nintendo's Wii Gaming System, created by Tyler Williams, an MIT student and a member of the OLPC team to Mongolia.

Both children and adults came away excited about the XO laptop’s potential. "It looks like a glorified toy,” said Mr. Harris, “but they are not toys. Children need to be doing things that are hands-on. It kind of takes away a lot of the negative behaviors they otherwise would have because they are engaged."